Run CleanVision on Torchvision dataset#

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After you install these packages, you may need to restart your notebook runtime before running the rest of this notebook.

from torchvision.datasets import CIFAR10
from import ConcatDataset
from cleanvision import Imagelab

1. Download dataset and concatenate all splits#

Since we’re interested in generally understanding what issues plague our data, we merge the training and test sets into one larger dataset before running CleanVision. You could alternatively just run the package on these two sets of data separately to obtain two different reports.

CIFAR10 is classification dataset, but CleanVision can be used to audit images from any type of dataset (including supervised or unsupervised learning).

Load all splits of the CIFAR10 dataset

train_set = CIFAR10(root="./", download=True)
test_set = CIFAR10(root="./", train=False, download=True)

Concatenate train and test splits

dataset = ConcatDataset([train_set, test_set])

A sample from the dataset

(<PIL.Image.Image image mode=RGB size=32x32>, 6)

Let’s look at the first image in this dataset


2. Run CleanVision#

imagelab = Imagelab(torchvision_dataset=dataset)
Checking for dark, light, odd_aspect_ratio, low_information, exact_duplicates, near_duplicates, blurry, grayscale, odd_size images ...
Issue checks completed. 173 issues found in the dataset. To see a detailed report of issues found, use

3. View Results#

Get a report of all the issues found

Issues found in images in order of severity in the dataset

|    | issue_type       |   num_images |
|  0 | blurry           |          118 |
|  1 | near_duplicates  |           40 |
|  2 | dark             |           11 |
|  3 | light            |            3 |
|  4 | low_information  |            1 |
|  5 | odd_aspect_ratio |            0 |
|  6 | grayscale        |            0 |
|  7 | odd_size         |            0 |
|  8 | exact_duplicates |            0 |

---------------------- blurry images -----------------------

Number of examples with this issue: 118
Examples representing most severe instances of this issue:

------------------ near_duplicates images ------------------

Number of examples with this issue: 40
Examples representing most severe instances of this issue:

Set: 0
Set: 1
Set: 2
Set: 3
----------------------- dark images ------------------------

Number of examples with this issue: 11
Examples representing most severe instances of this issue:

----------------------- light images -----------------------

Number of examples with this issue: 3
Examples representing most severe instances of this issue:

------------------ low_information images ------------------

Number of examples with this issue: 1
Examples representing most severe instances of this issue:


View more information about each image, such as what types of issues it exhibits and its quality score with respect to each type of issue.

odd_size_score is_odd_size_issue odd_aspect_ratio_score is_odd_aspect_ratio_issue low_information_score is_low_information_issue light_score is_light_issue grayscale_score is_grayscale_issue dark_score is_dark_issue blurry_score is_blurry_issue exact_duplicates_score is_exact_duplicates_issue near_duplicates_score is_near_duplicates_issue
0 1.0 False 1.0 False 0.854301 False 0.797130 False 1 False 0.915605 False 0.484206 False 1.0 False 1.0 False
1 1.0 False 1.0 False 0.926223 False 0.850131 False 1 False 0.976886 False 0.571952 False 1.0 False 1.0 False
2 1.0 False 1.0 False 0.818548 False 0.852996 False 1 False 1.000000 False 0.532279 False 1.0 False 1.0 False
3 1.0 False 1.0 False 0.813629 False 0.844033 False 1 False 0.775992 False 0.401225 False 1.0 False 1.0 False
4 1.0 False 1.0 False 0.898399 False 0.958406 False 1 False 0.919564 False 0.503716 False 1.0 False 1.0 False

Get indices of all dark images in the dataset sorted by their dark score.

indices = (

View the 5th darkest image in the dataset


View global information about each issue, such as how many images in the dataset suffer from this issue.

issue_type num_images
0 blurry 118
1 near_duplicates 40
2 dark 11
3 light 3
4 low_information 1
5 odd_aspect_ratio 0
6 grayscale 0
7 odd_size 0
8 exact_duplicates 0

For more detailed guide on how to use CleanVision, check the tutorial notebook.